Sunday 19 June 2016

The Science of Critique - Movies: Statement of Beliefs

Welcome to the first ever science of critique episode. It is my hope to establish a more scientific basis of critiquing movies, tv shows, music and other related media. To start off the process, let's take a look at the conditions

STatement of Beliefs

The way media is critiqued today is disturbing , apauling and downright incorrect
All movies should be critiqued scientifically  based on
     1) Acting (x/20)
     2) Cinematogrpahy (x/20)
     3) Phonography (x/20)
     4) History/Science (x/20)
     5) Artistic Value (x/20)

Total Score : x/100

0-1% - UNWATCHABLE movie unwatchable for various reasons, will begrudgingly attempt to watch movie again just for the sake of giving it a valid rating
1-25% - BETA - watched the movie in full, gave it a valid and just rating and it still sucked
25-50% - Meh - movie had it's good points, but overall it just wasn't that good. Will not watch again
50-60% - movie was good enough to watch again with friends who liked the movie. Most likely would not watch this movie again otherwise
60-75% - movie was great and I thoroughly enjoyed it though admittedly it had it's downfalls. Overall, the movie is one i will watch at least one more time , but would never buy it.
75-80% - movie was exceptional and i will watch it at least 3 more times and would buy it if only to collect.
80-100% - movie was amazing and i will ritualistically commit to watching it at least twice a year combined with marathon viewing each time a sequel or prequel comes out. I will buy this movie. I will ecstactically  promote this movie whenever possible to whoever.

Warning - hardly any such movies exist.

list of movies i have given a 80-100% rating on (yet to be posted on blog)

Ninja Turtles 1993
Pulp Fiction
Sound of Music
Star Wars (- episode 2-3, episode 5 and episode 7)
Most Robin Williams Films
Most Jim Carey FIlms (Post I love you Phillip Norris)
Gantz (both films)
Kung Fu Hustle
Grease (except Grease 2)
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Most Denzel Washington Films
Cars (just the first one)
FInding Nemo
Toy Story
A Bugs LIfe
Pirates of the Caribean (only the first)
Amazing Spiderman
Superman (only the origional movies but also Man of Steel)
Batman (everyone except batman forever)
THe Goonies
Back to the future (just part one)
Lord of the rings (excluding the hobbit)
Jurassic Park (excluding Jurassic Park 2-3)
Indian in the Cupboard


A critique of a movies acting shall involve
    How convincing were the actors? (x/10)
    Effectiveness of Cameos/Extras (x/5)
    Improv (x/5)

How convincing were the actors? (x/10)
      Did the actors sound convincing? (2 points)
      DId the actors look convincing (2 points)
      How much time did the actors spend researching their roles? (4 points)
      How was the actor's() attitude towards their role (2 points)

Did the actors sound convincing (direct correlation wiht Phonography)

     DId they stutter
     Did they mess up their lines and just roll with it
     Did they mispronounce words on purpose, if not (if their were mispronounciates of names, words, etc) was this directly related to their character?
     Did the actor have a trademake slur? (rocky, terminator etc) and if so, was it necessary?
     Was the actor's vocabulary akin to their character ( arnold scharzeneggar as mary poppins...etc)
Effectiveness of Cameos/Extras

How many extrras were used
     Were their lots of extras in place of just cgi? yes = good
     Did some of the extras get fair speaking roles or at least appearences ? Yes = good
     Did the extras look convincing? (correlation to Did the actors look convincing)
     were there too many extras ? (correlation to too many cameos)

Were Cameo Appearences overated?
          DId that famous celebrity really need a part in this film?
          Did casting james bond as a storm trooper really make sense if we never got to see his face?
          Were the cameos real? (Jerry Seinfield in Pulp Fiction)
         Did the cameos really serve a point in the film other than just raking in extra money for a film that was no good in the first place?


   If mistakes were made on any regards ,did the actor, cinematographor, director, etc do anything to make this fit?
   If mistakes were made on any regards, did the actor, cinematographor, director, etc do anything to correct mistakes that did not fit?
   Was the plot rewritten to fit an improv situation?
   Did the improv situation provide any source of value to the movie (humor, catchphrase, other takeaway for the audience - ie luke storm trooper helmet)